Get 24/7 real-time access to your assets without capital expense.
The future of drones is fully autonomous. But most businesses are not equipped to operate them and do not want the capital expense.
ReadyMonitor solves this challenge, delivering 100% turnkey and remotely based drone data for an annual subscription.
Get best-in-class drone technology with your DIAB subscription.
The market is dominated by OEMs. ReadyMonitor is OEM-agnostic, allowing us to focus on delivering best-in-class technology enabled DIAB subscriptions.
Turn-key installation and maintenance, including integration with your systems.
We take care of the installation and maintenance of your drone monitoring systems. We even integrate our software and data streams with your existing systems.
24/7 Monitoring from our state of the art Operations Center
Every flight is monitored remotely by specialized technicians at our operations center.
OEM agnostic system supports multiple drone manufacturer options.
Our drone agnostic system supports multiple manufacturer options, including industry leader DJI as well as American manufacturers.
ReadyMonitor Control Center
Every flight is monitored remotely by specialized technicians at our state-of-the-art operations center.
ReadyMonitor just makes sense.
The average cost for drone pilot service in the US is $150 per hour, not including cost of equipment. Even for the most basic operations, the cost savings and performance improvements are substantial:
We never stop working for you.
When our drones aren’t up in the air, we are:
Charging the drone
Planning next flights
Storing, processing, analyzing and transferring data
Monitoring system health and airspace
Get in touch
Want to learn how ReadyMonitor can streamline your monitoring operations?